Users can join their TeamBuilder company account on TeamBuilder only 

  1. if they have been invited by a HR or IT Manager. If you are an administrator looking to invite users, click here.
  2. if your company IT administrator has whitelisted your email domain to join TeamBuilder

I received an email invitation to join TeamBuilder

If you have received an email invite to join your company's workspace, go ahead and click the invite link in the email and follow the steps below:

1. Click on the link in the email

2. Use the email you received the invite on to sign up

3. Update your profile (name, avatar, job description, etc.) on the profile settings.

We recommend you get an overview of the TeamBuilder application if you're not familiar already. If you are a team manager, go ahead and create your first team and add your team members.

I lost my invite, how do I sign up?

In case you lost your invitation, contact your company's HR or IT department and request them to send an invitation. Alternatively, you can request the TeamBuilder support staff for quick assistance at

I know my company is on TeamBuilder but I can't access it

If you know your company is on TeamBuilder, you can request your company's IT or HR Managers to send you an invite. 

In case your company doesn't have a TeamBuilder account, you can request your HR manager to get a free trial of the product. HR or IT managers can learn more about creating a company account.